财政援助资源 & 常见问题



Getting ready for college or a career school can be easier than you think. 从定义你的目标和兴趣开始, 了解大学费用, 以及财务和学业上的规划. 看一下 联邦学生援助网站 了解更多信息. 

Financial literacy is underst和ing how to manage personal finances 和 money. Knowing how it works 和 how to budget 和 borrow can help students make better financial decisions. 

The following articles provide easy-to-underst和 information on financial wellness. Use the information to create budgets, plan expenses while in college, 和 control costs. 


A budget is a guide that keeps you on the path to reaching your financial goals. 预算控制你的财务状况, 显示你何时需要调整你的支出, 和 helps you decide where your money goes instead of wondering where it all went. 

制定预算可能听起来很复杂, 但是你所需要做的就是留出时间,组织起来——你的努力就会物有所值. 下面的步骤将帮助你建立预算,并通过跟踪你的收入和支出来管理你的财务. 

  1. 为你的预算确定一个时间范围
  2. 选择一个工具来帮助你管理你的预算
  3. 回顾你的月收入
  4. 确定并分类你的开支
  5. 为紧急情况而存钱
  6. 平衡预算
  7. 保持和更新你的预算

For additional information, please take a look at the following links: 

Most students use federal loans to help finance their studies, 和 some may turn to private loans. Taking out a loan is an important financial decision that can affect a student for years to come. 对于学生来说,了解他们的贷款选择和相关责任是至关重要的,以便做出正确的贷款决定. 

For additional information, please take a look at the following links: 

虽然你可以选择或分配一个还款计划,当你第一次开始偿还你的学生贷款, 你可以随时更改还款计划,而且是免费的. 

联系你的 贷款服务机构 if you would like to discuss repayment plan options or change your repayment plan. 您可以通过登录到获得有关您已收到的所有联邦学生贷款的信息,并找到贷款服务机构 我的联邦学生资助.

A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school's borrowers in the U.S. 谁在联邦财政年度(10月1日至9月30日)偿还某些贷款,并在接下来的一到两个财政年度结束前违约. 美国nited States Department of 教育 (ED) releases official cohort default rates once per year.

Important Note: Some schools have a small number of borrowers entering repayment. Other schools have only a small portion of the student body taking out student loans. 在这种情况下, 对队列违约率应谨慎解读, 因为这些比率可能不能反映整个学校的人口.







FY2018 – 12.7%

FY2017 – 14.1%

FY2016 – 15.9%

FY2015 - 18.4%

FY2014 – 20.5%

FY2013 – 20.6%

FY2012 – 22.6%

FY2011 – 22.7%

2019财年开始偿还的联邦学生贷款的全国队列违约率(CDR)大幅下降, 降至2.7% 3%.据统计,2018财年开始偿还的贷款为3% data 由美国教育部(ED)于22年10月5日星期一发布.


  • 证明经济需求(对于大多数项目)
  • 做一个U.S. 公民还是 符合条件的非公民
  • 是否有有效的社会安全号码(马绍尔群岛共和国的学生除外), 密克罗尼西亚联邦, 或帕劳共和国)
  • 作为一个合格的学位或证书课程的普通学生被录取或接受
  • Be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) to be eligible for 直接贷款 Program funds
  • 在大学和职业学校保持令人满意的学业进步
  • Sign the certification statement on the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) stating that: 
    • you are not in default on a federal student loan 和 do not owe money on a federal student grant, 和 
    • 你只能将联邦学生资助用于教育目的
    • Show you're qualified to obtain a college or career school education by:
      • 具有高中文凭或公认的同等学历,如普通教育发展证书. 
      • Completing a high school education in a homeschool setting approved under state law (or- if state law does not require a homeschooled student to obtain a completion credential - completing a high school education in a homeschool setting that qualifies as an exemption from compulsory attendance requirements under state law); or 
      • Enrolling in an eligible career pathway program 和 meeting one of the “ability-to-benefit”替代.

美国.S. 教育部对经济援助资格有规定. 用于财政援助资金的目的, 课程必须是毕业所要求的,并且是学生学术课程的一部分,才能获得经济援助. 

学生不能仅仅为了增加经济援助的金额而资助那些不属于其项目评估的课程. 学院的计算机系统与项目评估相互作用,决定哪些课程是必需的,并且只根据这些课程来确定经济援助的数额. 学生可以注册9个学分, but if a three-credit hour course is not required for the declared program, 计算机只计算六个学时的补助.

专业变更, 目录年份变更, 课程要求的替换必须在学期第一周的周五之前完成,才能被认可为本学期的经济援助目的. 

It is the student's responsibility to know what courses are required for the declared academic program. 查看您声明的程序和所需的类, 学生可以在“自助服务”上查看他们的学位审核. 

If you have any questions as to what classes are required for your major, 你必须咨询你的学术顾问, 学生成就中心的成功教练, 或者你的核心顾问. 


超过学费和书本费的助学金和奖学金金额必须在您的纳税申报表上作为收入报告. SJC 业务 Office will send you a 1098T form at the end of the year reflecting this information. 贷款不需要报告. Work-study earnings should be reported on your income taxes if you are required to file. 如有任何其他问题,请咨询税务顾问.

是的. 联邦法规要求学生在攻读学位或证书时坚持令人满意的学术进步标准. For detailed information on 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, please check 学生学业进展(SAP).

是的! 如果您从我们办公室以外的任何来源获得资金,请尽快通知我们的办公室,这一点非常重要. 我们必须考虑到你得到的所有援助来源. 例子包括, 但不限于, 劳动力投资法, VA(退伍军人福利)学费减免, 奖学金, 美国服务队拨款, 等. 这些类型的援助会影响你获得经济援助的资格. 未报告的资助可能导致超额奖励,你必须偿还.



您将完成奖学金申请并将其提交给相应的部落奖学金办公室或组织. The 金融援助 Office will only complete the Financial Need Analysis forms.

You may be required to pay back some of the financial aid you received. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 will notify you – by mail – of the amount you must repay. 查看…信息 学生提款返还第四章资金. 如果你收到了一笔贷款,那么 出口咨询 也必须完成.

Scholarship funds are credited to student accounts after they have been received.


Your financial need has been met, 和 a portion of your entire award was returned.


If you are in default with federal direct loans, you are no longer eligible for federal student aid. You must first resolve the default in order to be considered eligible again. 如果您是默认的,请联系 默认解析组 或1-800-621-3115查询.

是的! 主本票或MPN是你申请学生贷款时签署的具有约束力的法律文件. 它列出了你借款的条件和你同意偿还贷款的条件. 它包括如何计算利息以及什么是延期和取消规定的信息. 阅读并保存这份文件是非常重要的,因为当你开始偿还贷款时,你将需要参考它. To open the site, you should electronically complete 和 sign your MPN using your FSA ID. NOTE: It is important that you read through everything on the MPN site, 点击所有的url和框, 滚动到弹出式文档窗口的底部, 并点击蓝色条,以成功完成MPN.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站参与了直接贷款计划. This program includes Stafford subsidized, Stafford unsubsidized, 和 PLUS loans. 补贴是指政府在你注册至少一半的时间内支付利息,在你不再注册至少一半的时间后支付最多6个月的利息. 无补贴意味着你要为利息负责, 贷款汇入你的太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站账户之日起生效.

PLUS贷款是母公司贷款. 家长负责PLUS贷款的利息. 他们没有补贴. Nursing student loans are federal loans awarded to students enrolled in the College of Nursing.

When you complete your FAFSA, check that you are interested in loans to question 31 on the FAFSA. 然而, 即使你没有检查你是否感兴趣, 当你需要的时候,你仍然可以申请贷款.

Please see our student loans webpage for detailed steps on applying for a loan.


  1. Review your current loan history on the National Student Loan Database System (NSLDS).
  2. 在网站上阅读有关学生贷款的信息.
  3. 完成在线直接贷款入学咨询.
  4. 填写网上直接贷款主本票(MPN).
  5. Complete 和 submit a Loan Request Form to the SJC 金融援助 Office.

Once our office has received ALL your 金融援助 Application forms, the processing & 将开始授予您所请求的贷款.

入学咨询期间, 借款人被提醒贷款的严肃性, 条款和条件, 还款义务, 以及贷款违约的后果. 所有的联邦斯塔福德贷款的借款人必须完成入学咨询之前,他们给他们的第一次支付贷款. 入学咨询需要在网上完成 直接贷款 网站.

当贷款借款人毕业时, 退出或降到半场状态以下, 他/她必须完成退出咨询. 在退出咨询期间, 审查贷款偿还的还款条款和条件, 还有债务管理策略. 退出咨询需要在网上完成 直接贷款 网站.



The amount of tuition covered by the scholarship will vary by institution. 请与您计划就读的院校联系,以了解该奖学金将涵盖的学费数额. 

是的,你可能有资格申请其他经济援助项目. 财政援助部门鼓励所有学生完成一份 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).


确定获得奖学金的资格, 学生必须在高中毕业或完成高中同等学历证书后的16个月内进入大学. 


No, 奖学金只能在新墨西哥州的公立高等教育机构获得. 

是的, 要获得立法彩票奖学金的资格,首先必须在符合条件的新墨西哥州公立高等教育机构就读. 


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